Thursday, May 27, 2010

I'll be at the pool.....

My favorite word. Oh, pools, beaches, parks and camps, how I've missed you! There is no better activity than sleeping in until 5:00 every day, doing what you want, when you want, and how you want.
This particular summer, I already have enough activities lined up to fill it! I'm babysitting Lexis and Jadyn until the end of June, and then I'm babysitting Taylon until the end of July. Not to mention, softball goes on for the whole of June. An all summer long, I'll be reading until my eyes blur for the make waves program at APL.(APL stands for Anderson Public Library, my friends and I call it apple.)
But it's not all fun and games. I have to deal with the stress of telling my father that I'm not going through the abuse of another summer in Kentucky with my Annetta and him. My father lives in Lexington, in a two bedroom town house with, usually, three kids, Annetta and himself. Brandon uses the basement, as does Noah when he is down there, Gabi uses the second bedroom, as do I when I'm down there, and Dylan sleeps with the adults.
When I was eleven years old, my father went on a business trip, and Annetta was left with the kids.
Never a good thing.
Long story short, my mother was called, and I moved back to Anderson that very night.
So, unless you haven't guessed yet, I hate Annetta. I am a huge believer in human rights, and she doesn't seem to know they exists. She is abusive and mean.
My father. He pretends to be tough and mighty, but inside, I can clearly see, he is a sensitive man. I don't know if I can tell him that I really don't want to go back. The image of him curled into a ball on the floor beside the refrigerator, when I was two, is burned into my brain. That was when he and my mother split up. I was only two.
And, so, yeah, I'm going to shut up now. That was terribly depressing. So, bye.
With all the feeling a teenager can muster,

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